About us
About OTB Company
What makes OTB Company your best choice?

Marketing and selling emerging technology solutions is different. Selling a new idea, a revolutionary product instead of an evolutionary one must rely on a different method because the value is not immediately understood. "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." - Thomas Watson, president of IBM in 1943.

Selling a new idea means understanding the customers problem. It means reaching the right customer at the right time. The old methods of customer acquisition don’t work. Emails are deleted without being opened over 80% of the time. People don’t answer their phones and attendance at conferences is down across the board.

At OTB, we have the experience to create a sales and marketing plan that targets the specific market that is interested and is willing to pay for your solution. We create and help you execute plans that lower your cost of sales by getting the right message to the right person at the right time. Set up a 30 minute call with one of our consultants to see how we have helped others and how we can help you.